We're moving closer and closer to the half way mark! 16 weeks already. And... AVOCADO! Although The Bump must buy bigger avocados than I do. Mine tend to be smaller than a navel orange (last week). Now I am craving avocado...

Sprout is moving onto 5 inches long. And I may feel the kicking soon! Unless I did and it wasn't gas... I wish I knew. The most fun new development? Sprout can hear. This is when those "perfect" parents buy special earphones to place on mom's belly so that they can play the alphabet and classical music to the baby to give them a head start in school. I figure that we aren't going to start that level of pressure soon, but maybe I'll have to give up my recently developed love for really bad pop music. Although I still call it a pregancy symptom because there is no way that I could enjoy Lady Gaga that much without crazy hormones! I am a better person that that (I hope).
I have to admit, Sprout is NOT helping me create anything good to blog about. The most "interesting" thing is my fears that because this is SUCH a good pregnancy that something must have to go wrong. Yup. I am the optimist! But other than being tired at about 3pm and going to bed earlier, not sleeping as well... and the growing belly (omg I am getting large!) I am feeling pretty much "normal"*!
I went for a check-up with the doctor today. She's really starting to loosen up with me, not as clinical, which is good. Although I have to admit, she has some of the largest biceps I have EVER seen on a woman. And this morning she must have just worked out because she was pumped and veiny. I would not be surprised if she isn't a body builder, they are just that massive. It's reassuring, though, that if they building should set on fire she could easily pick a very pregnant me up and tear a brick building apart to get to safety.
I got to see the report for the Nuchal Scan. For my age**, the risk is 1 in 415 to have a child with Down Syndrome. Sprout came in at 1 in 1000+. For Trisomy 13 is was 1 in 10,000+, for Trisomy 18 it was in in over 200,000+. While this is not a diagnostic test, the chances are in our favour that Sprout will have none of these chromosomal disorders. We're still not sure if they'll have my dad's nose... *grin*
And I stepped on the scale this morning. It's a little overwhelming to see my weight going up. I know it's for the best reason ever, but I have been too well trained by society not to get anxious at weight gain, no matter the reason. But the doctor didn't seem concerned. And my blood pressure is still on the lower side (108/51). So the moral of the story is: I am doing good, the pregnancy is good, Sprout is good. It's all good!
*I put normal in quotation marks just because normal for me is still somewhat strange to most people. I don't want to mislead here.
** I am old for having a child. Which is weird because I do not feel old enough to be doing this... I AM NOT MATURE ENOUGH YET