Let me start by saying, I had so much more written. Some of it verging on amusing. Then somehow something old published and I lost everything else, leaving incomplete garbage online. Then I got frustrated and figured I'd write later. Well, it's later!
EDIT: And today (once I do my hair) I"ll be posting a bump picture, just to show how much I am carrying all the way out. *grin*
Well, I started this when I was at 21 weeks. Now? Now I am days past that! In fact, make that 7 days passed that... which actually makes this week 21 AND 22, all in one. Efficient, huh? Or... maybe not. Life gets busy, I get lazy (savouring my last few lazy days) and the blog goes unloved. Although much of life is revolving around the main attraction of this blog, Sprout.
We did some car seat/stroller shopping last weekend. We picked out the car seat/stroller combo we're going to go for, initially. It's pretty large (they all seem to be) but folds down small and takes one hand to collapse. That part will be nice. And the colour are not hideous (just kinda meh). Brown and green plaids. We picked it up last Wednesday. Our first major Sprout purchase... We also ordered the samples for the rug in Sprouts room (FLOR rug-tiles, just in case there is staining). We're going to be stalking kijiji etc for a used crib or watching for sales at stores. We need the crib and mattress, the glider chair, change table and maybe a dresser/bookshelf. And then ALL the little things!
Although we're not planning a shower until January (first or second week, mark it in your calendars!) we got our FIRST GIFT! Elaine and Chris sent us some absolutely adorable clothes (onsies and jeans and a little blouse). I stood in the kitchen staring for awhile, just touching the clothes. Our person, our DAUGHTER will be wearing those clothes one day soon. And just to know that a friend was thinking of the three of us, and sent such a gorgeous gift. Well, I may have gotten a bit teary and a LOT thankful for the wonderful people in my life. Damn, I am a lucky woman. And thank you Elaine!

Today we went to our first baby-swap-meet. No, we don't swap out embryos. It was a huge garage sale in a hall, where we could look at cute (although sometimes stained) baby/kid clothes. We got a huge bag of stuff for Sprout and a toy or two. But if Sprout isn't a girl? I hope he likes pink...
We also looked at a car. It's a little scary, making a car purchase and hoping it's the right choice. But we like the vehicle, it'll work well for a kid and a car seat (we think) and the price is reasonable. Still have to take it to the mechanic for an inspection (more money to spend!) but then Neil can see if the car seat fits in the back seat. They current owners say it does, I am cautious and want to check. And it's a fabulous shade of burnt orange. On the edge of tacky... but not quite!
We also looked at a car. It's a little scary, making a car purchase and hoping it's the right choice. But we like the vehicle, it'll work well for a kid and a car seat (we think) and the price is reasonable. Still have to take it to the mechanic for an inspection (more money to spend!) but then Neil can see if the car seat fits in the back seat. They current owners say it does, I am cautious and want to check. And it's a fabulous shade of burnt orange. On the edge of tacky... but not quite!
I know we're getting into the later stages of the pregnancy because the fruits/veggies stop being weekly and are every few weeks. I think the author (from "The Bump" - citing is good!) was just running out of food, personally.
She is getting longer, heavier. She has little eyelashes and eyebrows and fingernails. She working on her sleep cycle, sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day. Other times? She's moving around like a little jumping bean! At a movie last week, she was being active. I took Neil's hand and placed it on my belly, and held it there hoping he could feel her. Well, she was either very amused or not amused... she kicked his hand. In fact, it was so hard that I actually jumped from the surprise. He wasn't sure he felt it, but soon it will be unmistakable.
She's filling out more and getting more and more ready to come out and play. Meanwhile, I am getting larger and larger as she grows. I am HUGE already. Head on, I look pretty normal (my waist just a bit bigger). From the side? WATCH OUT! I read about the fact there is supposed to be a "small roundness" to the abdomen. Well, I am a beach ball. A beach ball that keeps running into walls and people and counters and... You get the picture. So far I haven't taken anyone out. So far...
So glad to help you celebrate all these exciting events in your life!