My last car, which was bought new, was a 1998 Pontiac Firefly. I went to the dealership to pick up the new vehicle, excited about my first new car. Well, the car didn't have a radio yet. Or floor mats. But I was still able to drive it home! The dealer, who was a friend of the family, sat me in the front seat to give my a tour of the car. He leaned in, took a deep breath, pointed to the hazard lights button on the steering column... and wished me a safe journey home! No power windows, power doors, power STEERING even. It was a standard with nary a bell or whistle. But Berry (named for the red colour and the fact it looked like a strawberry cut in half) got me
through the last 11 years of winters and road trips and rain and sun. It was parked outside for much of it's life and only froze up once (when there were block heater issues). It has needed very few repairs in the last 11 years (tires, muffler, starter, timing belt, CV boots, catalytic converter and brakes). The last 6 months were hard on Berry, the slow oil leak I never got around to fixing was hard on the engine. It squealed like a dying pig when not driving. It was clunk-crunch when turning. It was covered in coke, from a can exploding last winter that I never got around to cleaning. But I loved that car, and may have wept a hormonal-pregnancy tear when I had to say goodbye.
When the people came to pick Berry up, there was another car on the trailer, being picked up too. Another red little hatchback. Neil told me that Berry would be ok, since he had a friend just like him on the trailer to keep him company! Yes, my sweet husband knows me and crazy well enough to know that story would make me feel better about saying goodbye. Neil told the tower the car's history and issues. The tower reassured us that this could all be fixed and someone, somewhere, will have the opportunity for mobility in little Berry, that wouldn't have had that chance before. The Kidney Foundation has a car to work on and sell, and I know that Berry will be loved again.
But now, I have to say as hard as it was to say goodbye, I am developing a deep attachment to my new vehicle. It has so many extras! ABS and real time AWD for winter safety. A centre console that actually lights up (in Berry you just had to know where the stuff was). There is a fancy glowing light around the ignition, making starting easier at night. Power locks and windows. I can even change the side mirrors from the inside. It has keyless entry which is glorious. It has an alarm. It has a REMOTE CAR STARTER! The car starter is from the dawn of time. But it WORKS! The size is considerably larger than my old car, which has taken some getting used to. But I have more comfort about where the front of the car is. And the sides. The back? Well, I am being cautious because I have NO clue where it ends. But most importantly, it fits Sprout's car seat, something Berry could not do.
In other news this week, I have my gestational diabetes screen on Wednesday. And then on Thursday at lunch we are going to UC Baby for a totally medically-unnecessary ultrasound, just to better see her face and once again confirm that we are having a girl. Because we're both doing so well, the doctor thinks there will be no more ultrasounds prescribed by her. But I just had to see my little one once more, while inside.
Also, the nursery is coming closer to being done. We have started the final push to the baseboards being in, and next week we'll strong-arm my uncle to help us hang the door and replace the jamb. Then comes the furniture! I am eager to see the crib put together and in the room. The glider gets ordered this week. And I think we have picked out the change table. None of these things even come close to matching in colour or style. Nor will there be the crib bedding set, with matching valences and wall hangings and lamps. But thankfully neither Neil or I are the kind of people that are picky about that kind of thing. We want decent quality pieces that are functional. But wow, we still need a few more pieces before we can start to say we're getting there.
And back to the real star of this blog - Sprout! Our little girl (aka eggplant) continues to do well. She's growing bigger and bigger (making me bigger and bigger). She's about 2 lbs now, which is no where NEAR the 15 or so I have gained since this all started. And she's starting the rotation, to head down and ready for birth. Although she isn't necessarily staying in that direction for good. But at times I feel distinct poking around my intestines. Other times, my stomach. Sometimes somewhere between the two. But she is a little dancer, and moving quite a bit. And this week, week 26 or so, Sprout can SEE. Sprout's eyes will open and she'll be able to look around, see my insides, see her hands. Her head can also nod up and down. There are little hairs starting to grow on her tiny head. Our guess is that she'll be blonde, since both Neil and I were.
How am I doing? It's getting harder and harder to move around. My back is a little more achy. I am slower in moving now, going from sitting to standing takes efforts. But, again, I am still considering myself so lucky this pregnancy. But I am now transitioning into the third trimester, the hardest one, I hear. I have started to have some cramping in my feet and legs. Although a friend gave me powdered magnesium citrate, that I take with juice, that has helped immensely with the cramping. If I miss a night, the next day is always more crampy. But, again, Neil is doing well, I am doing well and Sprout is doing well. And there will be more to post this week, after the testing and the ultrasound!
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