It's really frightening how fast time is flying. Every day is much the same. Wake, feed Maddy, change Maddy, entertain Maddy. Maddy sleeps? Do Maddy's laundry, wash Maddy's bottles, get Maddy's formula water ready. If there is time, clean the house, sometimes get the chance to hop on the computer before it's back to feed Maddy, change Maddy, entertain Maddy. And we have been having a wonderful time doing it all!
We have been enforcing quiet/nap time more stringently. And she really is a much calmer baby! Also, she is passed her 6 week growth spurt (and she spurted). She'll sometimes fight the nap, she has been getting better about it. Although her new thing to fight? The boob. While I am not making enough milk for her to exclusively breast feed, I still am trying to supplement the formula with some boob. The last day or so? Boob is just not interesting at ALL. But I am sure this is just another phase and soon she'll be back to liking mom-food.
Yesterday Neil, my dad and I went to a movie (Avatar), leaving Maddy at home with baba. They two girls had a great time, according to baba, but it was hard to leave her. In the middle of the movie I had to pee. It took everything I had not to call home, to check on Maddy. Although I had the cell in my pocket, just in case baba needed me for anything. As soon as the movie was over, the first thing I did (even before peeing again) was call home. Of course Maddy and baba were fine and all I did was interrupt Maddy being fed but... As nice as it is to have a short break from being a mom, it's even better to return home to my little girl and enjoy every second of her in this stage.
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