Yesterday Maddy-moo had her first set of vaccinations. I think it was harder on me, than on her. Baba was with us, and it may have been the worst for her. But Maddy did so well! We gave her Tylenol about 1 hour before the visit, then had a bottle ready to go as soon as it was done.
I had to hold her sitting up, on my lap. Her one arm was around me, the other I held to her body. Then with my second hand I held her little tiny leg down. And the nurse stuck 2 needles in one leg, 1 in the other. With the first needle there was a squawk and crying. Louder crying with the second one. Then we switched sides and the third needle. That resulted in meltdown. But immediately I held her close, put the bottle in her mouth and she hungrily started eating. We moved to the waiting room, for the 15 minute waiting period. When the bottle was removed the crying started again, so we continued to feed. After 15 minutes the bottle was empty and Maddy was doing OK! Last night she was a bit fussy and had a bit of a fever. But she did amazingly well and so did I. I have this needle-issue... they are icky.
I was worried today would be an off day but so far Maddy has been very normal. She's having her second nap of the day (or is it third?) in her swing. We've had nom noms, some singing, some tummy time, some laying-free-on-her-back time. And interspersed through that are the most perfect Maddy smiles! Soon we're off to the mall briefly and back home to have more noms and play and kisses and songs. And, of course, whatever it takes to get more smiles!
Yesssss! My pediatrician said Tylenol about an hour before the shot, and then dope 'em up for a good 24 hours post immunizations. We have our 4 months shots (even though she's almost 5 months old now - whoops!) tomorrow evening... I hate it when she cries. And she's still sooooooo little that I hate the 3 shots - it's barbaric!!