Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good news!

The doctor's office called today. Nuchal scan result are back and we're at low risk for chromosomal disorders! The test isn't 100% accurate (only an amino would be) but at the hospital the doctor said that is there was a greater that 1 in 300 risk the hospital would call and let me know. So it's less that 1 in 300!!

That took a measurable weight off my shoulders. I think there was a little part of me that was worried... I guess I'll always have that little bit of wonder until Sprout comes out and I can see him/her but we're both relieved.

My body is changing daily. I guess this is the time that it all starts to show but the rate of change amazes me. I can sometimes feel my insides moving and shifting to make room for Sprout. And non-preggo pants are just not a viable option right now. I just can't comfortably sit in them. It's just such a fun journey so far!

Almost at 14 weeks. Tomorrow. Wow... in 2 weeks we'll have the early range of when I'll be feeling kicks. We have the U/S for gender in just 6 weeks. Time is FLYING BY!

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