Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Month Fifteen Letter

My dear Maddy girl,

You are 15 months old today! You are such a little girl. You have the walking thing down and are now working like mad to perfect your vocal talents. Tonight you said "turtle" for the first time, while in the bath. You are mimicking us like mad. Which has really made us watch our words. Even not-swear words we say would sound just horrible from your lips. But you will learn not-nice words. And I think I will laugh like mad the first times you say them! There are some random sounds you make, that sound like things you shouldn't say... we try not to encourage those sounds. But you are always chatting and telling us what you think. We may not understand what you're saying, but you definitely know what you mean. And you get so so so mad at us when we don't understand! The other day you lost it when you wanted Shreddies and I didn't know what you meant. Once I finally figured it out, it was bedtime. You sat on my lap sniffling and snuffling as you had your warm milk and shreddies and worked to forgive your mum for not understanding.

You are able to answer a few questions. Like"Maddy, what do sheep say?" and "Maddy, what do cows say?" and last one you can reliably answer is "Maddy, what sounds do trains make?". Your answers? ADORABLE. Even just to watch your little mouth make the sounds. Reminder, I have to capture it on video... And in daycare you'll learn more and more, from the kids and staff.

We celebrated your second Easter with us. And it was pretty low key. Lots of food, lots of family. No eggs or chocolate this year, but next? A new tradition? I never got eggs hunts as a kid, but I think would have been so much fun. It's reaching the time to experience our second version of events with you, we're starting to establish tradition. Our family tradition. Our family... It's all happening so fast. So perfectly, so wonderfully, so ideally... but so fast.

Well, Nunu, this month's birthday falls right in the peak of my snow-mold allergy reaction. And a spate of falling and injuring myself. So before my rambling becomes even more repetitive I will say happy 15 months, my girl. I love you endlessly and always.



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